You will agree that buying a house is a big deal, and this is not a thing you do much often. Hence you should be clear about the property you are about to purchase. There was a time when people used to carry out a Structural Survey before buying the property. You would have to be mad to buy any house,
flat, or property without conducting the survey. The survey will give you all the necessary details you must know before finalizing the deal. This article
will try to draw your attention to the importance of surveying the property you intend to purchase.
Every property suffers from wear and tear over time as it hosts some degree of movement. Sometimes the activities are so severe that they undermine the integrity and value of the property. Usually, the older buildings were built on little foundations, mostly having a depth of about 200 cm. Houses were made of coke to prevent damping and a wider spread of the bricks at the foundation below the ground level. This process was extensively practiced in the past, and there was a belief that these bricks-built houses would only last about thirty years.
This is a fact that there are a plethora of these houses still around today, and most probably, all of them have suffered to some degree of subsidence. The most crucial aspect of any subsidence issue is to find out if this is an ongoing situation or if this has occurred many years ago and has now stopped.
Structural Integrity Evaluation
It is good to inspect the structural condition of the property you intend to buy to get an idea about the exact condition of the building. Conducting the survey will prevent you from making one of the biggest financial mistakes of your entire life.
Few Pounds Are Worth Spending
Keeping in mind the cost of the average home nowadays and the fact that you will be paying for it for a time of 25 years and, in the end, will pay back during the life of the mortgage almost three times the amount borrowed. It is beyond imagination that you would stick to such a financial commitment covering most of your working life without surveying the structure of the building.
Types of Structural Problems
The worst types of structural problems include subsidence that would eventually cost you thousands of pounds during the repair. The insurance
companies don’t take the guarantee of subsidence as they consider it a risk, and the odds are not in their favor. Subsidence means failure of the building’s foundations to carry out the load and can happen to any part of the home. It is favorable to conduct a complete structural survey before purchasing the property instead of spending a ton of money on its repair.
Surveying People is a team of professionals that conduct all types of surveys according to the client’s demand and present the report within 5 working days.
6th Floor, 200 First Central, 2 Lakeside Drive,
Park Royal, London, NW10 7FQ
T: 020 8203 1281
"An experienced group of RICS Chartered Surveyors, here to support your journey whether you are buying, renting or selling your property."
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