Have you ever wondered how these gigantic stadiums and airport arenas are built? And what kind of keen eye is behind the detailed inspection of the building and construction material? If you don’t know, let me introduce you to professional individuals with a passion for forefront innovation in construction, the Charted Surveyors.
They are qualified RICS Surveyors London or the people behind the towering Skycrypers, which give you a surreal feeling of living in an era when buildings are higher than dreams people create in their delusional world. Does it sound too poetic?
Well, the reality is that Chartered Surveyors ensure the safe construction of buildings. They play a significant role in inspecting property, construction, and other official matters that demand expert advice.
What are Chartered Surveyors?
They are surveying professionals who learn to evaluate property, determine the presence of suitable construction material, and understand the basics of land development to contribute to building a safe and sound environment.
People often confuse surveyors with Chartered Surveyors, but these terms are different. Surveyors are individuals with essential knowledge and experience in surveying properties, whereas Chartered Surveyors are RICS-qualified individuals with some additional knowledge and expertise.
The most common job roles of chartered surveyors that you can find at RICS Surveyor London are
Measures the Financial Cost
The primary job role of a Chartered Surveyor is to evaluate all the financial costs. They handle all the economic aspects of building a property, including the budget estimation, tender preparation, and other responsibilties of the Quantity Surveyors.
Handles the Valuation Job
All the chartered surveyors deal with valuation matters. They also deal with buying and selling matters, take care of loan applications, and handle taxation issues for smooth processing.
Plays the role of Project Manager
Chartered surveyors train to handle development projects. They undergo basic and advanced training in the project management cycle, including buying and selling property, building construction, and financial matters.
How to Become a Chartered Surveyor?
If you have a passion for building skyrocketing buildings, or interest in surveying, or understand the world of construction. Then, you can extend your passion and become a Chartered Surveyor. Becoming a Chartered Surveyor in London is not an unachievable dream; it only requires interest, love, and the proper set of qualifications to kick start.
The basic requirements for a chartered surveyor are interest and qualification; if you have both, you can enjoy a career in this dynamic field. However, when it comes to passion, it gives you the boosting power to create. Also, pursue something that gives you peace and raises your financial figures to help you survive.
How do you become a chartered surveyor?
Becoming a chartered surveyor starts the day you enroll in this course. Like other fields, it also demands a specific qualification and experience to build a career.
Academic Qualification For Chartered Surveyor
The basic qualification of a Chartered Surveyor is a bachelor’s degree in Surveying. There are different aspects of surveying, like real estate and construction, and it is upto you to choose the one that aligns with your interest.
After choosing the type of surveying, enroll yourself in that course. And fulfill the essential academic requirement to pursue your career as a Chartered Surveyor. It is usually a four-degree program, and by the end of four years, you officially become a part of the surveying team.
Practical Experience
After the bachelor’s degree, it is time to step into the real world. And gain practical experience and training to become eligible. For this purpose, work in the field and clear the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence test.
This test is a professional license, and to clear this competence test. You typically have to spend 2-3 years at structural sites and gain practical experience.
Continue Professional Development at RICS
The next step to becoming a seasoned Chartered Surveyor is to continue professional development under the supervision of RICS. It is a professional surveying platform that trains surveyors and updates them with current marketing trends and industry requirments.
However, after fulfilling all the basic requirments, including the academic and practical demands. So, It is time to switch the gears and enter the market. Introduce yourself as a RICS Surveyor London, and join professional platforms like Surveying People to continue with your dreams.